Course Details || ABUAD Learning Management System

Introduction to Conflict Resolution

Category: Social and Management Sciences

Course Details:

Course Details:











PCS 104 Introduction to Conflict Resolution (2 UNITS)






Prepared by


+234 806 000 3335





January 2020

Course Description

This course examines the concept of conflict resolution as it relates to interpersonal conflicts, introduction to negotiation, goals and behaviors in conflicts, conflict handling styles and ethics of conflict resolution




Terms and Concepts in Conflict Resolution

History and Evolution of Conflict Resolution

Models of Conflict Resolution

Symmetric and Asymmetric Conflicts

Third Party Intervention in Conflict Resolution

Conflict Intervention and Conflict Resolution Roles

Ethics and Principles of Conflict Resolution Intervention

Case Studies





Course Assessment Structure

Students’ assessment in this course include continuous assessment—class attendance, test, and term paper—and examination. Students should get familiar with the marks allocated to each required academic activity for this course as shown below.


Activity                                                                            Marks

  1.      A.   Continuous Assessment                                                                        40%[1]
    1. Class Attendance                                                                                 10%
  1. Punctuality                  75% (minimum)                      3%
  2. Regularity                    75% (minimum)                      3%
  3. Participation (question, answering, debate,)              4%
    1. Test (Written and/or Oral)                                                                 10%
    2. Seminar Presentation and Term Paper[2]                                             20%


  1. Examination:                                                                                                   60%[3]

Total            100%

Continuous Assessment

Continuous Assessment (CA) makes up 40% of the total marks for this course. It comprises class attendance, written and oral tests, term paper and is spread out throughout the semester (it is in that sense that it is continuous).

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend classes regularly, punctually and to participate in class discussions and activities. I mark attendance in each class and note students’ punctuality and participation. The university requires 75% class attendance for students to sit for the examination of the affected course. We will not take any excuse for absenting yourself in class unless you have genuine reason to do so AND you contact the tutor before the class. Consulting the reading materials ahead will make it easier to participate in class. Refer to the list of required and recommended readings in this Course Syllabus. The list may be updated as the course proceeds.


Test will normally be conducted at the end of the fourth week, mid-semester and/or towards the end of the semester. It will cover all topics treated as at the time of the test. So, you already know the AOC—area of concentration. As it is against the ethics of the teaching profession to give IMPROMPTU test, all students will be duly notified of the date and format of the test. We will normally NOT conduct make-up test except in EXCEPTIONAL cases—health[4] or circumstances which we adjudge to be outside the control of the affected student. We will treat each case on its merits.

Seminar Presentation and Term Paper

As will be decided in the course of the semester, students will make individual or group presentation on selected cases of nonviolent resistance drawn from around the globe. 


Term papers offer students opportunity to present their original thoughts, critical thinking and creativity. We therefore take it as a VERY SERIOUS form of assessment. We are aware that a few students are in the habit of ‘copying and pasting’ from internet and other sources and presenting them as their original ideas. This is called PLAGIARISM and it is a very grievous offence in the university system. Academic staff and students have been severely punished for plagiarizing. This unpopular act of STEALING is almost becoming the order of the day among Nigerian undergraduates. To check plagiarism, We have installed on our personal computers, software (plagiarism checker) to help us check students’ papers for plagiarism. And believe us, it is effective. We will STRONGLY encourage you, therefore, not to plagiarize. This will save both of us some embarrassment, time and effort. To be on the safe side, therefore, we do STRONGLY encourage you to use online plagiarism checker to check your paper before submitting them. Free plagiarism checking is provided online. Google plagiarism checker and Google will give you several to choose from. Here is one of such websites offering this service:‎. (This checks your grammar as well!)


Reference ALL materials you use for your term paper appropriately, using the APA referencing style[5] (5th or 6th edition). There is an automated way you can do this using Microsoft Word processor[6]. I have developed a format for the layout of the term paper. You MUST use this template for your term paper.


Examination in this course carries 60% of the marks. It will normally be a three-hour paper in which candidates will be asked to answer between four of six questions provided. I encourage you to spend ENOUGH time on your answers. Examiners or invigilators don’t eat EXAM TIME. There is NO SENSE in showing off or bragging that you finished the paper before the allotted time. Nobody awards marks or prizes to those who finish their papers earliest. Rather, marks and sometimes, prizes are awarded to students who demonstrate critical thinking, originality of thought and supply enough information in answering exam questions. Note that generally exam questions are properly ‘weighed’ before time is allotted to the paper. There are technical ways of doing this. So, if you think you have finished a three-hour paper in one-and-a-half hours, chances are you have not supplied enough information in your answers. 

Punishment for non-compliance

  1. Plagiarism: Losing the 15marks for the term paper and reporting the student to the appropriate quarters in the university.
  2. Bad referencing: Deduction of marks (at our discretion) and returning the paper to the student to re-do the referencing part.
  3. Not using the term paper template: Deduction of marks (at our discretion) and return of the paper to student to make rework the paper using the template.
  4. Absenteeism, non-punctuality and irregularity in class: loss of appropriate marks. Possibility of not being allowed to write the exam.

Students’ Responsibility

For a most rewarding teaching and learning experience students are required to:

  1. Read the assigned readings before each class;
  2. Attend classes punctually, participate in class discussions and other course activities;
  3. Write the written test;
  4. Turn in your term paper in the required format and on or before the due date;
  5. Complete other course assignments on a timely basis;
  6. Sit for the final exam.

Other Important Information

Student-Teacher Relationship: We do look forward to fruitful relationship with students of this course. So, feel free to discuss with me as often as you deem necessary on issues relating to the course and others about your academic life. We are available to provide students with support services in form of learning assistances, advising and mentoring in line with the vision of ABUAD in producing world-class graduates. You may book appointment with us during my visiting hours (to be communicated in class) or correspond with us via email, phone. Ordinarily, we will respond to your e-mail and phone messages. If we do not respond to them in a reasonable amount of time, then you should assume that we did not receive your message and try to re-send them or use other means. 


Students are responsible for all relevant announcements and information provided during classes and online media. If you must miss a lecture for whatever reason, let the tutor know ahead of the class and be sure to get a copy of the notes and information updates from your classmate(s).


We will do all that we can to help you learn the material and succeed in this course. However, you are responsible for learning the material. We have assigned the books for a reason — they will help you to better understand the course. We expect you to read them!  We have NO sympathy for students who do not put in required effort.


You will succeed in this course if you complete the readings and assignments by the due dates, attend class regularly, and ASK QUESTIONS when you don’t understand. We encourage you to make frequent use of our office hours and other media for contact. 


Student with Physical Challenges: In order to give all students level playing ground, students with physical challenges in hearing, sight, etc. should see me to discuss appropriate provisions for their peculiar situations.


Academic Honesty and Integrity: Academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and is not tolerated in a university environment. It is punishable offence in ABUAD regulations and procedures. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University.


Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, lying for another person, signing the attendance sheet for someone absent, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts.


It will be unfair to everyone if we make exceptions to the policies described in this syllabus. We will THEREFORE not make exceptions.


Looking forward to a rewarding teaching and learning experience with you. Thanks.

Course Tutor:

Dr Oba Oyinloye 08060003335






[1] This might be converted to 30marks for the end of semester result computation.

[2] You must show originality of thoughts in your term paper. Under no circumstance must you ‘copy and paste’ from the internet. That’s plagiarism and it’s a serious offence 

[3] This might be converted to 70marks for end of semester result computation

[4] There must be hard evidence in form of doctor’s report showing that students is actually unfit or receiving medical treatment during the period of the test.

[5] I will also provide electronic copy of APA referencing style on our online forum.

[6] I’ll take few minutes during one of the classes to teach those of you who might not know this facility.

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